Getting Results

Welcome to my practice. Here’s how to get the best results from your bodywork session.

Step one: Communicate. We are in a partnership, and in any partnership success is built on communication!  Therefore, I ask you to provide accurate health information, report any discomfort during the session, and don’t hesitate to ask questions about your session and your recovery.  After a session, if you have more discomfort than you expected, or if you forgot your post-session instructions, email or call me.  The more information I have, the better equipped I am to design and adjust your sessions to help you reach your goals. 

Step two: Be willing to work with me over time. Be prepared to schedule several massage sessions, particularly if you are using massage to address chronic muscular tension or as a tool to assist your recovery from a soft tissue injury. In these cases, more than one session is usually necessary. The therapeutic effects of massage are cumulative, meaning that the more often you have a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. From one session to the next, relaxation deepens as you release the chronic patterns of stress and dysfunctional biomechanics in the body.

 Step three: Stay hydrated. This step is very important.  Make sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water during the 24 hours before your session, and continue to do so for the 48 hours following each session. Also, do not drink alcohol before your session or the evening of your massage and do not consume a large meal before your massage.

 Step four: Allow your body to recover after your massage.  Going to the gym for heavy lifting or hitting the road for sprints may interfere with your body’s ability to integrate the positive effects of your massage.  If you are an athlete, you should discuss your training schedule with me, so that we can schedule your sessions appropriately. 

 Step five: Follow your personalized post-session care instructions, which are designed to help you manage any soreness and optimize your results.  You will get much better, and longer-lasting results if you follow the program we design.